Data analysis and statistics – 2024 Fall

Statistics 101 Reconsidered

Date: Thursdays 11:45-15:00, biweekly on odd weeks. The first class is on 12 September.

Venue: Izu 206


The course reviews some common analysis methods applied in cognitive research: general analysis methods and mathematical and statistical analyses. It mainly discusses the aspects relevant to cognitive research and highlights several debated and misunderstood aspects.


The following three requirements should be fulfilled.

Exam link (intentionally not available at the moment)

Alternative requirements

If you have not taken any statistical courses before (you don't have a psychology, mathematics, or computer science bachelor's degree), you may take this course as an intro course with some advanced topics.

There'll be an exam in the last class. Mostly, you'll get data files and specific questions (e.g., is there a gender difference in the GSLK test (the GSLK is totally made up)), and the report should be in APA style. There will be a few questions regarding the original topics of the class, too.

As a preparation, you should read about specific topics at home, and we will discuss the chapters in class.

The book is recommended, but other books with similar topics can be used (see the Recommended materials below).

Chapters to be discussed:

Find some example tasks in the second sheet of the data file.

Statistics consultation (in Hungarian)

Exam link (intentionally not available at the moment)

Recommended materials

Books for general statistical materials