Data analysis and statistics – 2024 Fall
Statistics 101 Reconsidered
Date: Thursdays 11:45-15:00, biweekly on odd weeks. The first class is on 12 September.
Venue: Izu 206
The course reviews some common analysis methods applied in cognitive research: general analysis methods and mathematical and statistical analyses. It mainly discusses the aspects relevant to cognitive research and highlights several debated and misunderstood aspects.
(You may be interested in the Fourth Best Practices in Data Analysis and Statistics Symposium in Szeged, Hungary.)
Software solutions
Which type of software to choose (slides)
Spreadsheet (slides)
CogStat (general slides and slides about the recent features)
(For this talk, make sure to understand the basic descriptive statistics, hypothesis tests, interval estimation, and standardized effect size.)
Statistics in Python (optional topic) (slides)
Diffusion model analysis (slides)
Reliability (slides)
(For this talk, make sure to understand correlation and one-sample t-test)
Hypothesis tests
The reasoning behind the tests and the main consequences (slides)
Power analysis
Bayesian analysis
The following three requirements should be fulfilled.
Exam with practical tasks. At the end of the term time (Dec 5).
There might be 1 or 2 additional written exams in the semester. The exam will be announced at least two weeks before the exam.
Choose one of the topics below. The deadline for sending the project report is the date of the last lecture (Dec 5). (The topics should be approved; the deadline is 10 October.)
Create a new or extend an existing Wikipedia article in English or Hungarian on statistics or data analysis topics (e.g., statisztika téma). You can translate the article from another language if the source language includes high-quality material. The minimum length is 6000 characters (with spaces) for new material or extensions and 8000 characters for translations.
For Hungarian speakers, some more details for the work and a few previous examples: leírás
Review related tasks: (0) Within a week after the topic choice deadline, add your topic to this list. Ask for permission, which I'll approve automatically. After each topic is added to the list, add your name as a reviewer for another topic. (1) After completing your article, you should send it to another student (reviewer) so they can add comments and suggestions. The deadline is 10 days before the final deadline (Nov 25). (2) Your peer will review the text and return it to you. The deadline is 5 days before the final deadline (Dec 1). (3) Finalize your article, then send me your final version, your peer's comments, and the version you sent to your peer.
(Only in Hungarian) Új szócikk készítése vagy kiegészítése a Statisztika a pszichológiai kutatásban weboldalra. Legkevesebb 5000 karakter szóközzel.
CogStat (choose one from the list below)
Localize it to a new language or improve and/or extend previous localizations.
Propose new procedures with appropriate justifications.
An empirical test of the efficiency of various statistical software types
Analyze your previous results in some non-traditional way.
Contact me about the chosen topic and methods.
Implementing extra statistical or data analysis functions for LibreOffice. (This could be implemented as a Basic script or a spreadsheet template.)
If you have any further ideas related to the course topics that could be useful for you and/or others, contact me.
Micro-oral report about the chosen task. In the last lecture (Dec 5).
In a maximum of 5 minutes, summarize the most unexpected details of your work. Slides are optional.
Exam link (intentionally not available at the moment)
Alternative requirements
If you have not taken any statistical courses before (you don't have a psychology, mathematics, or computer science bachelor's degree), you may take this course as an intro course with some advanced topics.
There'll be an exam in the last class. Mostly, you'll get data files and specific questions (e.g., is there a gender difference in the GSLK test (the GSLK is totally made up)), and the report should be in APA style. There will be a few questions regarding the original topics of the class, too.
As a preparation, you should read about specific topics at home, and we will discuss the chapters in class.
The book is recommended, but other books with similar topics can be used (see the Recommended materials below).
Chapters to be discussed:
September 26: Chapters 1-6
October 10: Chapters 7-10
October 24: Chapters 11-14
Find some example tasks in the second sheet of the data file.
Statistics consultation (in Hungarian)
Exam link (intentionally not available at the moment)
Recommended materials
Books for general statistical materials
Danielle J. Navarro / David R. Foxcroft / Thomas J. Faulkenberry / Róbert Fodor: Learning statistics with R / jamovi / JASP / CogStat
Russell Poldrack: Statistical Thinking for the 21st Century
Andy Field, (Jeremy Miles, Zoe Field): Discovering Statistics Using SPSS / R / SAS. Sage.
Matthew J. C. Crump, Anjali Krishnan, Stephen Volz, and Alla Chavarga (2018) Answering questions with data: Lab Manual and the CogStat version: Evelin Haász (2024). Answering Questions with Data in CogStat
More statistics and data analysis textbooks at the Open Textbook Library and LibreTexts