Numerical cognition – 2024 Fall

Dates: Thursday, 17:00-18:30 (No class on September 19)

Venue: Izu 206

The aim of the course is to give an introduction to the numerical cognition research area. On the one hand, the course covers many aspects of basic research on numerical cognition: Numerical cognition in healthy adults, the development of mathematical abilities, the neuroscientific background of those abilities, number understanding in animals, etc. On the other hand, the course discusses several applied aspects, such as educational programs, diagnosis and remedy of developmental dyscalculia, measurement of acquired numerical impairments, etc.

Topics and papers

Basic numerical representations



Development and impairment of numerical abilities

Talks (general numerical cognition slides, Give a number task-related problems slides)



A kurzus fóruma Küldjétek el az ingyen regisztrálható github fiókotok nevét, és küldök meghívót a csoporthoz.

A megbeszélések menete

